
Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell’arte, Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Topics of interest

History of psychology, of cognitive neurosciences and, in general, history of bio-medical sciences since the XIX century

Philosophy of mind

History and philosophy of science.


Carmela Morabito has published many works on the “birth” of psychology as an autonomous science, on the historical and epistemological development of the associationistic and connessionistic models of mind and behavior, on the localization of cerebral functions, on the history of cognitive neurosciences. Her focus is mainly centered on interdisciplinary topics related to the study of the relationship between mind and body, nervous system and behavior, from a historical and epistemological perspective. In the last years Morabito’s research activity has focused on the neurobiological basis of our cognitive functions, with a particular attention for the cultural, relational and experiential dimensions of the mind: behavioral dexterity and neural degeneracy are at the core of the development of the open cognitive architecture of the human beings. In the light of these two topics, we have to rethink the traditional nature-nurture dichotomy, to overcome the binomial conception that opposes biology to culture and genes to learning. Carmela Morabito’s interest is centered on the many different ways in which individual experience in our specific Umwelt continuously moulds and modifies our neurobiological identity and our personality as well.

Recent works:

Morabito C. 2017, Integration and differentiation at the basis of metaphor: dexterity in behaviour and degeneracy in the nervous system, in Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education, Edited by Ervas, Francesca / Gola, Elisabetta / Rossi, Maria Grazia, De Gruyter Mouton, 2017, Pages: 189–198.

Morabito C., Guidi C. 2017, The new forms of Embodiment, between Philosophy and Cognitive Neurosciences, in STUDI DI ESTETICA, vol. XLV, IV, pp. 87-98.

Morabito C. (2017). Plastic Maps: The New Brain Cartographies of the 21th-Century Neurosciences. NUNCIUS, vol. 32, p. 472-500.

Morabito C (2017). David Ferrier’s Experimental Localization of Cerebral Functions and the Anti-Vivisection Debate. NUNCIUS, vol. 32, p. 146-165.

Della Rocca M, Morabito C (2016). Dalla riforma della psichiatria alla neuroetica tra scienza, medicina e societa?. Attualita? di alcuni aspetti del pensiero di Giovanni Berlinguer. BIOETICA, p. 569-586.

Galloni G, Morabito C (2015). Empaticamente estesi. Neuroscienze cognitive e nuove filosofie della mente. In: (a cura di): S. Caianiello, Fuori di sé. L’empatia nell’orizzonte umano e oltre. vol. 1, p. 103-138, Roma:CNR edizioni.

Morabito C (2015). Dexterity and Degeneracy, for a ‘Neural Phenomenology’. In: (a cura di): Jean-Luc Petit , Les Cahiers Philosophique de Strasbourg. La naturalisation de la phe?nome?nologie 20 ans apre?s. vol. II, p. 225-239, STRASBOURG: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg.

Morabito C (2015). Neuroscienze cognitive: plasticita?, variabilita?, dimensione storica. In: AA.VV.. (a cura di): P. Greco, C. Morabito, M. Della Rocca, ‘Mentecorpo. Il cervello non e? una macchina.’
Scienza & Societa?, 21/22. vol. 1, p. 13-24, MILANO: Pristem-Bocconi.

Morabito C (2013). Cortical Localization of Language and the “Birth” of Cognitive Neurosciences. RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI FILOSOFIA E PSICOLOGIA, vol. 4, p. 143-160.

Morabito C, Della Rocca M (2013). Agostino Gemelli. In: (a cura di): Clericuzio A; Ricci S, Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Ottava Appendice dell’Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti.. p. 664-667, Roma:Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana Giovanni Treccani,