
Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome

Topics of interest:

Bioethics, Science and society, scientific citizenship


Professor of Bioethics in the Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Degree Courses of the Faculty of Sciences M.F.N of Sapienza University of Rome. His research mainly concerns the transformations determined by the biomedical revolution on the relationship between science, society and democracy.He participated in several national and international projects and in teaching and research activities in Universities and foreign Institutes, including the ‘Center for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science’ of the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Istitut Louis-Jeantet d ‘Histoire de la Mèdicine et de la Santè’ of the University of Geneva.He was co-curator of the international exhibition “DNA. The great book of life “that was held at the Palaexpo in Rome during the period February-June 2017

Recent works:

F. Rufo, L’etica in laboratorio, Donzelli, >Roma, 2017

F. Rufo, B. Fantini, Il codice della vita Una storia della genetica tra scienza e bioetica, Donzelli, Roma, 2017

F. Rufo et al, DNA. Il grande libro della vita, Silvana Editoriale, Milano, 2017

F. Rufo, Tra scienza e politica per una società più giusta, introduzione a G. Berlinguer, “La salute, tra scienza e politica (scritti 1984-2011)”, Donzelli, Roma, 2016, pp.IX-XXXII.

F. Rufo, La bioéthique entre histoire et problèmes , in (B.Fantini, L. L Lambrichs a cura di), Histoire de la pensée medical contemporaine, Paris, Le Seuil, 2014, pp. 215-234.

F. Rufo, Per una società democratica della conoscenza, Politeia, n. 124, 2017.

F. Rufo, Knowledge and participation. Moving towards scientific citizenship, (editorial) Ann. Isti. Sup. Sanità, vol. 53, n. 1, 2017, pp. 3-5.

F. Rufo, Società democratica, cittadinanza scientifica e bioetica, Bioetica, vol. 2, 2016, pp. 252-266.

F. Rufo, Libertà e responsabilità della scienza: il marxismo eterodosso di Giovanni Berlinguer, in “Bioetica”, n. 4, 2015 , pp. 531-446

Capocasa M, Anagnostou P, D’Abramo F, Matteucci G, Dominici V, Destro Bisol G, Rufo F. (2016) Samples and data accessibility in research biobanks: an explorative survey. PeerJ 4:e1613