
Scuola Internazionale di Studi Superiori Avanzati (Temporary Fellow 2017/2018)

Topics of interest:

History of neuroscience and neurotechnology

Philosophical issues in brain/mind science and its applications

Science and society in 20th and 21st century


Mattia Della Rocca is a PhD in Philosophy and History of Science, currently working at the project “Il cervello, le memorie. Storie, storia orale e multimediale delle neuroscienze in Italia”, led by Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste and Istituto Superiore di Sanità. His research focuses on two main topics: on the one hand the history of neuroscience and neurotechnology, considered in relationship with contemporary Western culture and society, on the other hand the impact brain/mind sciences have on philosophy of mind and consciousness. A complete resumé and some of his works are available on his personal website.

Recent works:

Bertolaso, M., Della Rocca, M. (2017), “On the Processes of Growth of the Living Being and the Relevance of Relational Categories to Understand It”, in Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, CIX(2): 255-268.

Della Rocca, M. (2017), “Of the Artistic Nude and Technological Behaviorism. Leon Harmon and the First Steps towards Neuromorphic Hardware”, in Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science, 37(2): 376-411.

Della Rocca, M., Pogliano, C. (2017), “Different Histories from 20th Century Neuroscience”, in Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science, 37(2): 253-260.

Della Rocca, M. (2017), “From Brains as Machines to Machines as Brains. A Short Historical and Epistemological Reflection on the Simulation and ‘Reverse Engineering’ of the Central Nervous System”, in Cilia, N.D., Tonetti, L. (eds.), Wired bodies. New perspectives on the Machine-Organism Analogy, Roma: CNR Edizioni, pp. 53– 58.

Della Rocca, M. (2017), ”Histories of the Brain. Towards a critical interaction of the humanities and the neurosciences”, in Leefman, J., Hildt, E. (eds.), The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 61–77.

Della Rocca, M. (2016), “Sulla questione ideologica nelle neuroscienze”, in Gagliasso, E., Morganti, F., Passariello, A. (eds.), Percorsi Evolutivi. Lezioni di filosofia della biologia, Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 175–189.

Della Rocca, M. Morabito, C. (2015), “Dalla riforma della psichiatria alla neuroetica, tra scienza, medicina e societa?. Attualita? di alcuni aspetti del pensiero di Giovanni Berlinguer”, in Bioetica. Rivista Interdisciplinare, 23(4): 563-580.

Della Rocca, M. (2015), “In the Flesh? Appunti critici sul neuroessenzialismo”, in Scienza e Societa?, 21/22, pp. 35-42.

Della Rocca, M. (2015), “Ideologia delle/nelle neuroscienze contemporanee”, in Gagliasso, E., Della Rocca, M., Memoli, R. (eds.) Marcello Cini e il presente. Epistemologia, storia e politiche della ricerca, Pisa: ETS, pp. 189-199.

Della Rocca, M.,Galloni, G., Morabito, C.(2015), “La mente musicale e? modulare?”, in Ruggiero, G., Bruni, D. (eds.) Il ritmo della mente. La musica tra scienza cognitiva e psicoterapia. Milano-Udine: Mimesis, pp. 33-46.