Il 15 e il 16 aprile 2019 si terrà presso la Sala del Consiglio del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università Roma Tre, la conferenza internazionale “Mechanism, Life and Mind in the ‘Modern’ Era”, dedicata alle scienze della vita e al rapporto corpo-mente dal XVII al XIX secolo. Durante i lavori, saranno prese in esame le differenti versioni del meccanicismo elaborate agli inizi dell’età moderna, nonché il vitalismo del Settecento.

La conferenza è organizzata da Antonio Clericuzio (Roma Tre), Paolo Pecere (Roma Tre), e Charles Wolfe (Ghent University).

Scarica locandina.


15 Aprile 2019

8.50-9.00 Introduction and welcome

9.00-9.45: Guido Giglioni (Macerata)Scaliger Bacon Harvey: A Trajectory in the Early Modern History of Vegetative Life

9.45-10.30: Andreas Blank (Klagenfurt)Instrumental Causes and the Natural Origin of Souls in Antonio Ponce Santacruz’s Theory of Animal Generation

10.30-11.15: Boris Demarest (Heidelberg)Soul, Archeus and Nature in van Helmont’s Medical Naturalism

11.15-11.35: coffee break

11.35-12.20: Dana Jalobeanu (Bucharest) and Oana Matei (Arad)A Chemical Natural History of Vegetable Bodies in the Seventeenth Century

12.20-13.05: Riccardo Chiaradonna (Roma Tre)Plotinus and Ficino in Ralph Cudworth’s Philosophy of Nature

13.05-15.00: Lunch

15.00-15.45: Delphine Bellis (Paul Valéry University, Montpellier)Animal Life and the Human Mind in Gassendi’s Philosophy

15.45-16.30: Barnaby Hutchins (Klagenfurt)Mechanism as a Non-Exhaustive Ontology: Descartes and Irreducibles

16.30-17.15: Domenico Bertoloni Meli (Bloomington Indiana)Early Modern Mechanisms and the Mechanical Philosophy

17.15-17.35: coffee break

17.35-18.20: Raphaële Andrault  (ENS Lyon), Another Kind of Mechanism. The Continuous Chain of Sensations in Anatomical Experiments (1660-1690)

16 Aprile 2019

9.00-9.45: Luca Tonetti (Sapienza, Rome)Irritating Drugs and Affected Solids: The Notion of “Stimulus” in Baglivi’s Pathology

9.45-10.30:  Cécilia Bognon-Küss (Paris-Diderot), Intussusception, Vital Mechanisms and the Ontology of Life

10.30-11.15:  Justin Smith (Paris-Diderot)Mechanism, Life, and Perception in Leibniz

11.15-11.35: coffee break

11.35-12.20: Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero (Venice)The Life of the Soul: Christian Wolff on the Mind-Body Analogy

12.20-13.05: Liesbet De Kock (VUB Brussels)Mechanism and Teleology in Psychological Explanation: On Causes, Motives and the Methodological Versatility of Wilhelm Wundt’s Scientific Psychology

13.05-15.00: Lunch

15.00-15.45: Gabriel Finkelstein (Denver)The Intellectual Origins of the Ignorabimus

15.45-16.30: Charles Wolfe (Ghent University)Vitalism and the Metaphysics of Life: Methodological Reflections with Particular Reference to the Case of Montpellier Vitalism

16.30-17.15: Paolo Pecere (Roma Tre)Mechanism and “Organisation of the Mind” from Kant to Helmholtz

17.20-18.00: General Discussion

15-16 aprile 2019 – International Conference “Mechanism, Life and Mind in the ‘Modern’ Era”, Università Roma Tre

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