Segnaliamo la pubblicazione del volume Predictability and the Unpredictable. Life, Evolution and Behaviour (CNR Edizioni, 2018), a cura di David Ceccarelli e Giulia Frezza, che raccoglie gli interventi del Workshop “Sliding Doors. Prediction and Contingency in Biosciences” (Roma, 2-4 febbraio 2017), dedicato al ventennale di ResViva.

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The volume gathers contributions by scientists as well as historians and philosophers of science about the subject of predictability in bioscience. A cornerstone of Western science, predictability has emancipated, along the XX Century, from the deterministic framing. Biosciences played a crucial role in this process, but they also spurred the inquiry into the nature of the unpredictable, fostering the development of new epistemic approaches to complexity. The new computational tools and the exponential growth of information in the current Big Data era are reassessing the claims of predictability in the analysis of large complex systems, such as those underlying living beings, their behavior and evolution. The book offers a critical review aimed at outlining not only the new frontiers of predictability, but especially the new configurations that the unpredictable is assuming in these research fields.

NEW! Predictability and the Unpredictable. Life, Evolution and Behaviour (CNR Edizioni, 2018)

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